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This page is for tracking SSHRC awards to be held during the 2018-2019 academic year.

NEW PAGE for 2019-2020 SSHRC postdocs: SSHRC 2019-2020

Full Postdoc Description

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships support the most promising Canadian new scholars in the social sciences and humanities, and assist them in establishing a research base at an important time in their research careers.

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship proposals are expected to respond to the objectives of the Talent program.

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships provide stipendiary support to recent PhD graduates who are:

undertaking original research;
publishing research findings;
developing and expanding personal research networks;
broadening their teaching experience;
preparing for research-intensive careers within and beyond academia; and
preparing to become competitive in national research grant competitions.

Fellowships will normally be awarded to candidates affiliated with a university other than that which awarded the PhD. SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship awards are tenable at Canadian or foreign universities and research institutions.

Value: $40,500 per year

Duration: 12 or 24 months

Application deadline: (8 p.m. eastern) September 20, 2017

Results announced: February 2018



Applying as an ABD: 17

Applying with a PhD (0-1 years out): 9

Applying with a PhD (2-3 years out): 2

Total: 26

Applying to hold at a Canadian institution: 21

Applying to hold at a non-Canadian institution: 5

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SEE ALSO: Humanities and Social Sciences Postdocs 2017-18

Acknowledgement of application received[]

  • Submitted September 20th, confirmation email received October 10th (x5)

Results by Committee[]

Overall Competition Results

  • Applications: 855
  • Offered: 151 (17.7%)
  • Not Offered: 704 (82.3%)

Committee 2A (History; Classics; Classical Archaeology; Philosophy; Mediaeval studies, Religious studies)

  • Applications: 75
  • Offered: 13 (17.3%)
  • Not offered 62 (82.7%)
  • Score of last funded application: 4.33

Committee 3 (Anthropology; Folklore; Archaeology; Criminology; Sociology)

  • Applications: 143
  • Offered: 25 (17.5%)
  • Not offered: 118 (82.5%)
  • Score of last funded application: 4.40

Committee 4B (Education, Linguistics, Psychology, Social Work)

  • Applications: 79
  • Offered: 14 (17.7%)
  • Not offered: 65 (82.3%)
  • Score of last funded application: 4.21

Results received (successful)[]

FORMAT: Score. Discipline. Selection Committee (eg, 3/7563, 6/7566). Location: (eg, Canada, US). Status: (eg, ABD, 1yr, 2yr). Qualifications: (eg, pubs, presentations).

  • 5.85/5.65/5.65. Comittee 3, Anthropology, USA. ABD, peer reviewed: 3 first authored, 3-second authored, non-peer-reviewed: 4. conferences, lectures and invited speakers: 20+, SSHRC doctoral fellowship + IDRC fieldwork dorctoral award. First time applying for postdoctoral.
  • 4.8/4.05/4.7//4.53 Foreign Languages & Literatures. Committee 1. Canada. ABD. 1 solo-authored article, 3 co-authored articles, 10 conference presentations, SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship.
  • Just a note to say congrats! Getting a SSHRC postdoc ABD seems v. v. v. uncommon.  
  • 5.55 / 5.40 / 5.35// 5.41 Theatre & Drama. Committee 1. Canada. 1 yr. 1 edited book, 6 first/solo-authored articles, 7 co-authored, 2 first-authored in press, 3 research-informed plays (2 published scripts), 3 invited talks/keynotes (selected), CIHR doctoral research training fellowship. 
  • I'm adding that this is my second time applying -and I did absolutely horribly last year.  This year: different project/supervisor, PhD is complete, slightly healthier CV, more strategic/polished application in terms of aligning with SSHRC committee (my work is interdisciplinary... could have gone to a different committee) and in terms of justifying cross-disciplinary supervisor/institution.
  • 5.45/5.45/5.35//5.40. Comittee 4A: Education; Linguistics; Psychology; Social Work. Canada. 1yr. 5 pubs, 3 under review, several conference presentations, OGS and a few academic awards.  Second time applying, did absolutely horrible last year.
  • 4.50/4.75/4.55//4.60 Literature & Fine Arts. Committee 1. Canada. 1 yr. 1 co-edited anthology, 5 solo-authored pubs, 24 presentations/invited talks, SSHRC Doctoral fellowship. Applied w/ same project last year ABD (but with proposed supervisor in USA) and got a terrible, terrible score/rank. Differences this year: slightly more polished app. w/ more CanCon, completed PhD, proposed Canadian supervisor. 
  • 4.75/4.70/5.15/4.94. Law. Committee 5. Canada. ABD, defending next month, PhD completed in under 4 years. 14 articles (all sole author) [9 peer-reviewed, 3 in top flight US law journals], 5 online articles, 1 book review in peer-reviewed law journal, Editor-in-Chief of major Canadian law review, Book Review editor of additional Canadian law review, SSHRC Bombardier, Law Clerk at Federal Court, lawyer (Ontario Bar), board member of two national scholarly organizations, major graduate paper prize, 21 conference organizing roles, 31 conference presentations, 19 conference moderating positions, Chair of graduate students association. Other notes: First time applying, did not receive Banting, did receive Killam; project with heavy Canadian focus that grew out of PhD work in another Canadian city; place of tenure very closely aligned with the PD research; interdisciplinary focus as well.
  • 4.95/5.15/5.25//5.16. Committee 3. Canada. ABD (in 6th year). 9 publications (co-author, +1 first author under revision), 13 conference presentations (+19 as a co-author), 15 technical reports, 5 public lectures. SSHRC for master's and PhD and some other awards and grants.
  • 3.75/4.50/4.55. Committee 4A-Education; Linguistics; Psychology; Social Work. UK. ABD (6th year). 13 peer reviewed publications (1 book chapter; 9 first author; 4 co-authored); 3 forthcoming peer reviewed publications (all 3 first author); 2 creative outputs; 3 selected opinion/editorials; 6 non-referred publications-  book reviews/reports; 2 selected peer reviewed conference papers. SSHRC doctoral Bombardier; M. Smith SSHRC Supplement; 3 OGS.
  • 5.25/5.25/5.25. Committee 2A (Philosophy). Location: Canada. 1 year out from PhD. Applied last year and scored 3.25 with the same basic project. Got the relevant chapter of the dissertation published in the interim, as well as a few other papers on the same general topic. 

Results received (unsuccessful)[]

FORMAT: Score. Discipline. Selection Committee (eg, 3/7563, 6/7566). Location: (eg, Canada, US). Status: (eg, ABD, 1yr, 2yr). Qualifications: (eg, pubs, presentations).

  • 3.56. Psychology. Committe 4A. Canada. ABD. 7 publications, 4 first author, all in peer-reviewed journals. Over 30 poster/paper presentations.
  • 3.62. Communication. Committee 6. Canada. ABD. 5 publications, (3 first author - all in peer reviewed journals). 15 conference presentations. SSHRC MA and PhD + other competitve grants. 
  • 2.09. Literature and Fine Arts. Committee 1. Canada. ABD. 17 peer reviewed publications (2 book chapters, 2 journals, lots of top-tier conference papers; 7 first-authored); several Awards during PhD (total value >30k) and MA. 
  • 3.96. Communications and Media Studies. Committee 6. Canada. ABD. 7 peer-reviewed publications (2 solo author). 19 conference presentations (that I bothered putting on the application). Held doctoral FRQSC.
  • 2.92. International Affairs. Committee 5. Canada. ABD. 4 peer-reviewed publications (all first author, 2 sole author), 12 conference presentations. SSHRC CGS for PhD.
  • 3.38. Linguistics Committee 4B. Canada. ABD. 2 peer-reviewed publications (one first author), 10 conference presentations. SSHRC Doctoral CGS, about 50k in other grants over past 4 years.
  • 3.4/3.4/4.0///3.7. Library and Info. Science. Committee 6. TBH in Canada, currently in US. ABD. 6 publications, 2 first author, lots of conference papers and posters, OGS and full-tuition Master's and 5-years PhD. 
  • 2.55/3.45/3.6//3.35. Archaeology. Committee 3. Canada. 0-1yr (was ABD at the time of application). 5 first-author peer-reviewed journal publications. Several conference presentations. SSHRC Bombardier Doctoral CGS/Mitacs Doctoral/Entrance Awards/other graduate fellowships, grants, and awards (over 200,000 CAD in total). In case it helps, it took me 6 years in total to finish my PhD, which is just under my deptartmental average.
  • 3.2/2.85/3.35. Literature and Fine Arts. Committee 1. TBH in Canada, currently in US. 2 years. 1 peer-reviewed publication, 1 book chapter, lots of art publications. Several conference presentations. Doctoral OGS and SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship.
  • 2.75/4.05/3.8//3.67. Education; Linguistics; Psychology; Social Work. ABD. Two manuscripts under review, handful of conference proceedings papers, SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (received but declined the Doctoral CGS because I'm currently doing my PhD in the US).
  • 3.15/2.95/3.10//3.07. Anthropology/Criminology/Sociology. Two years out. One sole authored pub, one coauthored piece in our field’s flagship journal, two sole authored pieces in press; two book chapters; 15 presentations; one grant. I give up. Academia is a racket. My project was tied to a bigger funded lab, but was not feasible? This is a joke.
  • 3.75/4.00/3.60// 3.75. Committee 6 Geography,Urban Studies and Planning. was ABD (just defended). 4 academic journals (peer-reviewed), 3 academic book chapters (peer-reviewed), 1 encyclopedia entry, 1 book review, 1 academic book contract as co-editor, 39 conferences+, CGS SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship, Trudeau Scholarship, SSHRC Storyteller, CGS SSHRC Masters Scholarship, IDRC Scholarship etc ( >300K worth of grants for my doctoral degree). External grants (>100K collectively as PI and as Co-Applicant for additional non-thesis related research). Numerous keynote, media, op-eds etc. Same project Forwarded to Banting and was top 30% of applicant. I know I am more than capable, worth a try but will not go through the trouble again and be undervalued.  Good luck to all! FYI govt research jobs pay over $75,000 and universities love folks w/ policy or govt experience so worth checking out.
  • 1.65/3.37/3.47//3.08. Committee 4A. Still writing final document. 9 academic journals (peer reviewed), 2 more under review, over 15 conference presentations, SSHRC doctoral fellowship funding for 4 yrs, OGS, and other scholarships, and taught a undergraduate course. Clearly proposal was an issue. I'll try again!


  • I'm just wondering... if others log into their SSHRC accounts, is there currently "nothing to display" underneath their list of Applications? I did receive a SSHRC email confirmation of my submission, I guess I'm just experiencing boredom/impatience-turned-to-paranoia. 
  • Same for me (got the email, that's what my online account looks like currently). 
  • Nothing to be paranoid about. SSHRC applications disappear from your account shortly after they've been submitted and processed. Also, as a current SSHRC postdoc (waiting to hear about a Banting fellowship), my advice from experience would be to not expect any results until the end of the month. 
  • Last year they didn't put them in the mail until the last day of February so don't expect anything any time soon!
  • Banting results available on as of Feb 8, 2018. 
  • Okay the waiting sucks a lot.
  • I too was waitlisted for a Banting. I do not have hope, and it is liberating. This, along with more job searches moving ahead without me, going into 3yrs out of my PhD, might be the rejection I need to finally say goodbye to this crazy game.  Edit: Whoops, I read that wrong... 
  • But at least, we still have hope...Don't know if I'll be able to bear my broken dreams again this year...
  • I know that the letters won't get sent out until the end of the month and yet I still check the SSHRC Twitter just in case. And then I remember that thing about insanity being defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result... Anyway, just a couple more weeks of this waiting torture. 
  • Doing playdough with my 3-year-old...For the moment, it's really the best I can do in terms of intellectual challenge.
  • I had a dream last night that I received a notice with 6's and 5's as scores, written in in pencil, but no legend to say what the scores meant or were out of, and a box that said "DECISION: ___" that was empty. Ugh.
  • Any rumors yet?
  • Received an acceptance to the Killam from UBC today, no explanation of ranking or score though.
  • Congratulations! Did you receive your acceptance by email or snail mail?
  • What date did you receive your acceptance on?
  • Thanks! It was via email from the university's postdoc department. Acceptance came in February 20th in the afternoon. 
  • Just called UBC postdoctoral fellows and they said they are still sending out emails with Killam results. Since you received an email 4 days ago with acceptance though I'm guessing the only remaining emails are rejections. Ah well...
  • Just got a UBC Killam rejection (03/02). They said 48 nominations, 7 positions offers made thus far...
  • Just emailed SSHRC to ask about when the results would be mailed, and all they said was "end of February." Sorry folks - I tried!
  • Thanks for volunteering! 
  • Who else is dying here? Can this be "more" the "end of February" !!?!!? 
  • Anyone hear from Killam at Dalhousie?
  • Hi there. I applied to History and they told me they received results on March 16th last year. Hope this helps. You could try emailing the department you applied to and asking the same.
  • I’m going to assume that I didn’t get it. It’s easier this way.
  • SSHRC tweeted on Feb 27: "The #SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships competition results have now been mailed. Watch your mailbox!"
  • FYI: I live in Ottawa and no letter today. Looks like it took about 3-4 days to get word in Ottawa last year, so perhaps Monday will be the day for us local people.
  • I live in Ottawa and just received my letter today (03/01). Unfortunately no offer. Good luck to everyone else!
  • Nothing in Ottawa over here today (Centretown), though a friend received his as well. Argh!
  • 03/01: Montreal: I got my letter today.
  • Could you please tell us about the success rate?
  • Fellowships offered 17.7% (151 out of 855 applicants).
  • I got my letter today (March 2nd) in Vancouver BC and I did not receive funding. I thought I had a strong application but was ranked extremely low. This is just crushing. I'm so bummed and don't know what to do :(. 
  • I haven't received my letter yet, but I feel for you. I have had a bad feeling about my application all along, but I'm telling myself that whatever happens is needed closure that will send better opportunities our way! 3>
  • I feel the same as you do applicant from Vancouver. I got a terribly low score, and I too thought I had a solid application. Folks tell me this is not representative of who I am and my scholarship, but its tough internalizing that. We need to keep doing the work. But I too feel a need to re-evaluate things but its hard when the SSHRC score is not clear what the problem was.
  • Yeah, same experience here. I thought I was bringing an interesting proposal and a strong CV to the table, but I got a shockingly low score. What on Earth are they looking for?
  • I am in Vancouver too and had the exact same experience today receiving my letter. My ranking was shockingly low. I'm starting to re-evaluate academia and wondering whether this life of constant judgment and rejection is really that healthy.
  • I didn't apply this year but had the exact same experience last year (lurking on here for friends and my wife who applied this year). It's so important to remember that this isn't representative of your worth as an academic (let alone as a person even though I know it totally feels that way). I have friends who got rejected from SSHRC last year who subsequently landed TTs or great postdocs. I am now doing a postdoc at a top school as well, so there is always hope. That being said, academia is really a punishing industry and I think it's really worth asking ourselves if it's worth the toll on our mental health just to have the chance to continue to write articles that no one reads and teach teens who would rather look at their phones...
  • I got an email from a former roommate today telling me that an envelope from SSHRC arrived for me there. My head nearly exploded.
  • Did you change  your address on Web CV? I also changed mine because I moved after submitting the application. I'm worried because the previous address is a different country.
  • It turned out to be a tax form the the doctoral SSHRC last year (because the universe is torturing me). Hopefully you get yours at your current address soon! This is just reason #1064 for switching to online notifications. 
  • Just got my letter here in Winnipeg today, March 5th. No luck, with a fair but not strong score of 3.38. Oh well, maybe I'll have better luck next time if I manage to still be in academia in a year's time... Or if I don't manage to escape by then!
  • Anyone got letters in Toronto? 
  • Mine arrived at my parents' house today, which is in Whitby/Oshawa!
  • Got mine last Friday (March 2) in Little Italy. 
  • Still haven't received mine in Downtown TO - Bloor/Yonge area (March 6)
  • Still waiting, North York area, going crazy! (March 8)
  • Letter received in NY (March 5). Satisfactory-good range, 3.17.
  • Just chiming in to say that for those of you who are getting rejections their first time applying to not be too discouraged. It took me 3 tries to get the award. The first year I was at around 3.75; the next year I was 2 spots from winning in the low 4s, and last year I won with a very high score, with a project that was very similar to the prior 2 applications. If you score at all halfway decently, consider how your application can be shifted more than reconstructed. 
  • If people decline awards do they award them to the next people in rank?
  • I have never heard that happening. My first time around, I was 5th on the waitlist, but I never heard anything. My third application was finally successful.
  • Is 3 applications the cap on how many times we can apply for SSHRC? I read this line on the SSHRC website on postdoc application eligibility? Its a bit cryptic in language: "have applied not more than twice before to the SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships funding opportunity; "
  • - yes, today (Mar.5/18)
  • People, these SSHRC scores are mere numbers. Not objective, irrelevant. Don’t be discouraged. If you have a vision, you will find a way to write your books.
  • (March 9) Has anyone with a mailing address outside of Canada received their letter? I'm in the UK and haven't received anything... It's getting frustrating now. I don't even care if I got it anymore I just want some closure!
  • I'm still waiting too - in the US (NJ).
  • Nothing in Germany.  Checked my mailbox three times today (4 yesterday).  Might be loosing it.
  • Nothing in upstate NY. I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack every time I check the mailbox. 
  • I emailed SSHRC yesterday (3/13) as I have still not received my letter. Their response is if I have not received my letter by March 15 to contact them then.
  • Check your email/snail mail, SSHRC 2018-2019 applicants. The government just released a whole bunch of new SSHRC money yesterday and they have given out some one-year postdocs to folks who were just below the cutoff for the 2018-19 competition (I got one). (Posted on Jan 31, 2019) 