Academic Jobs Wiki

New Page for jobs that begin in 2014: French and Francophone Studies 2013-2014


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1. Please place new job entries in alphabetical order under "French & Francophone Jobs 2012-2013" (NOT under "Formatting"). Note that "University of X" should be alphabetized by U as first sort, and X as second sort within the U listings.
2. Please mark the title of the job using "Heading 3."
3. Please include the deadline and a web link to the ad/website; PLEASE follow the format of other entries.
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5. For substantive comments or updates about status, interaction, etc., please include the date at the beginning of your entry so that users can scan the info quickly for new entries.

RECENT ACTIVITY on French and Francophone Studies 2012-2013 Wiki[]

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What's your Status?[]


Currently in TT job: 5

PhD in hand, currently in non-TT job:: 9 (VAP); 7 (Lecturer); 4 (Adjunct)

PhD in hand, currently unemployed: 5

Postdoc: 4

ABD, but looking to defend this year: 19

ABD in non-TT job: (VAP); 1 (Lecturer); (Adjunct) 2

Other: in formerly TT job being cut 1 


Francophone: 9

Medieval: 7

Renaissance: 12

17th: 3

18th: 5

19th: 9


SLA/Pedagogy (language and culture): 2

Linguistics and sociolinguistics: 3

Other? (Define): History

Language Background[]

Native speaker: 11

Non-native speaker: 33

Heritage speaker:

French & Francophone Jobs 2012-2013[]

Ashland University (Asst./Assoc. Professor of French, TT) []

Deadline: Applications review begins December 2012


  • Email rejection stating position has been filled (3/4)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • (1/3/13) Phone interview scheduled for second week of January.

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled

Offer made:


  • Any news about this search (12/24)?
  • (12/24) Nothing
  • (12/28) No news?
  • (12/28) Nothing yet
  • (1/2) Still nothing, I suppose?
  • (1/2) Nada! I reread their job ad, and realized that they are not planning to interview at the MLA. So, they can still interview in the second week of January. Good luck to all of us!

Austin Peay State University (TN) - TT Assistant Professor-French - Francophone Literature and/or Cinema[]

Deadline: open until filled (posted 2/7/13)

Preliminary interview (skype, phone): Phone interview scheduled on 04/01


Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • What is it like to work in this institution? Salary, environment? I am thinking of applying for this position, but I am a little apprehensive? From my research, the University is locating in one of the fastest growing cities in the nation.

Bates College (1-yr. Visiting Assistant Professor of French)[]

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • (12/29) MLA scheduled by e-mail

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


Bennington College (Assistant Professor of French, Francophone) []

Deadline: 12/03/12

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • 12/12 - skype interview (12/21)
  • 01/08 - skype interview scheduled (x2)

Rejection post-MLA skype:

Campus visit:

  • invitation made (email x2)

Offer made:


  • New Skype itw have been scheduled?

Boston University (Assistant Professor of French, Specialty 17th century literature and culture with a secondary specialization in visual arts and/or music) []

Deadline: December 7th

  • Request for Affirmative Action information (email) December 3rd

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • 12/11, 12/13 MLA interview scheduled (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • invited 1/17

Offer made: 3/18

accepted 3/25


  • The MLA posting says to apply through Interfolio but doesn't seem to give any instructions on how to. Usually isn't there a link to their interfolio page? Has anyone contacted them about this?
  • Simply click on apply for thos position, right hand corner
  • Hah thanks. I'm an idiot!
  • Does anyone know if this is a repeat of the Late Renaissance/Baroque/Neo-classical search from last year?  Was that a failed search?
  • I guess last year's search could be considered a "failed search."  It seems they did not get what they wanted.  This year's description is much more specific.
  • Thanks for the input!
  • Question: To those invited for MLA interviews, were you contacted by phone or email? A: by email 
  • Did they say anything about their timeline at the MLA interviews? Does anybody know when people are supposed to be contacted for campus visits?
  • Any news???

Bowdoin College (Assistant Professor, Specialty French Lit & Cult of the 19th-21st centuries)[]

PAST DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on Nov 9th

Request for more materials:

  • Letters of rec requested 10/22 


  • Post-MLA rejection received 3/14 - very kindly worded email AND even had a follow-up phone conversation with the Search Committee Chair to discuss what factors played into their decision. It was my best rejection experience ever!

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by email (12/19) (x5) (12/20)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled

Offer made:


  • Already a visiting assistant professor at Bowdoin who fits the description. Converting his position to TT Assistant Professor?
  • Was told it was a legitimate outright search
  • To the author of the above posting: did you expect them to tell you that their search is not legitimate?
  • Okay, I'm back - one of my recommenders told me that a letter was requested on 10/22 (noted above) but I think it may have just been an automatic part of the online app as opposed to an actual person from the committee. Anyone else hear anything at all on this job? It has been quite awhile.
  • I heard that they decided not to hire anyone at all for this search.  Maybe the plus was pulled on the funding.

Brown University (Open rank, 19th and 20th century French literature) []

PAST DEADLINE: Upload all application materials to Brown’s Interfolio website by October 19th

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by email (12/20)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Has anyone heard anything? (12/17) Nope. Nothing here.
  • Also heard nothing (12/20), but I am wondering if they did not already have a campus visit... See the event they had on 12/12. In the end, their "open rank" might have been targeted to some very special/famous full-prof 
  • It might have been, but who knows? I wish these places would make and share their decisions faster, so we wouldn't feel the need to speculate like this. It's really draining.
  • I believe this was a genuine search targeted toward advanced assistant or already tenured candidates (in order to fill current gaps in the faculty line-up).  Since many of those candidates likely don't post to the wiki, the search progress isn't reflected here. 
  • Has anyone noticed the new visiting assistant professor they've hired for this semester?

Bryn Mawr College (Language Lecturer) []


  • 1, 3/5 (offer accepted)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview request via email 12/3 (x4)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Invited 12/18

Offer made:


California State University, Fresno - Asst. Professor, French[]

PAST DEADLINE : 11/15/2012

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled on 12/01 (x4)--Did they schedule an interview with you or just inivte you to interview? I ask because they extended me an invitiation, but have not as of yet scheduled the date and time (12/05)
  • I got the date and time today, 12/06

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Any invitation for on campus visit yet ?
  • On Campus Invitation email received on 2/21  (very reliable source) 
  • No word from them since MLA (1/29). Did anyone hear back?
  • Nope.
  • Email requesting more documents (5 references) was received on 1/22. But nothing since. 

Offer made: Offer was made and (I believe) accepted (3/25)


  • Five professional references that must be different from people writing three letters of recommendation??
  • please also send a credit report and the passwords to all social media sites :)--though copies of fingerprints are preferred.

Catholic U of America - TT Assistant Professor of French[]

PAST DEADLINE: 11/15/2012

Request for more materials:

  • 11/29 (email) x6


  • x10 (email). Personalized email, nicely worded - it gives a really good impression of that department.

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Preliminary interview email received Dec. 1st.  
  • MLA interview

Rejection post-MLA:

  • 1/9 (email)

Campus visit:

  • four (good source)
  • requests for responses to Mission Statement of University made on Jan 7

Offer made: Offer made and accepted


  • About the preliminary interview: Did you get a request for more materials and did you submit those prior to getting an interview?
  • ^That was my question, too.  I was under the impression that we had until this Friday (12/7) to submit additional materials (via Interfolio) and then the committee would draw up an MLA list from there.  ???
  • I wonder if that's not a preliminary interview e-mail for the Clinical Asst Prof at CUA below... Maybe someone just wasn't careful with their post?
  • I doubt that it is for the Clinical position. They stated clearly in that job description that they're not interviewing at the MLA for the Clinical.
  • ^ But it doesn't say that it is for an MLA... it just says "preliminary interview e-mail"... I say it's for the Clinical as well....
  • Just to clarify: at this point in the search, we have requested additional materials but not invited anyone for an interview. Once the additional material has been reviewed we will contact applicants for MLA interviews. Nothing has gone out about the Clinical position yet. I hope this helps...
  • Thanks so much!
  • RE: REQUESTS FOR RESPONSES TO MISSION STATEMENT: Were these sent at the same time or after they requested a writing sample? Same time.

Catholic U of America - Clinical Assistant Professor of French[]

PAST DEADLINE: 11/15/2012

Request for more materials:

  • 12/18


  • 12/18

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview scheduled for 02/20 (email on 02/11)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made: Offer made and accepted


  • any news since the request for more materials? (1/25)
  • I received an email confirming receipt of the additional materials on 1/9. The original request (12/18) indicated that Skype interviews would be scheduled for the 2nd or 3rd week in January. I am not sure what's going on here. (1/26)
  • 1/30 received email apologizing for the delay and saying the search is still active and they hope to contact candidates for Skype interviews soon. 
  • Yay! Congratulations!

Central Washington University - TT Assistant Professor of French []

PAST DEADLINE: 10/30/2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview scheduled by email 12/31 (x5)

Rejection post-skype:

  • email (01/30) (x2)

Campus visit:

  • Campus visit scheduled by phone (1/23)

Offer made:

  • Offer made and accepted (2/15)


  • (12/15) Any news?
  • (12/15) No
  • (01/12) For those who had interviews, did anybody ask about their timeline and when they expect to make a decision about campus visits?
  • (1/13) I had a Skype interview with CWU last Wednesday and haven't yet heard anything from them. It seems they would have invited people to campus by this point (anyone?) but perhaps they needed to consult with the other committee member? I didn't have the wherewithal to ask about their timeline. It would be a huge relief to know one way or another. 
  • (1/13) I have a Skype interview with them tomorrow. 
  • (1/14) I have a Skype interview later this week so I assume they won't make decisions about campus visits until next week.
  • Thank you! 

Centre College - 2yr VAP[]

PAST DEADLINE: 01/05/2013

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • 02/08 x2

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Any news about this search? (2/9)

Christopher Newport University - TT Assistant Professor of French[]

PAST DEADLINE: November 2, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA scheduled via email 12/17 (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • on-campus visit request 1/7

Offer made:


  • Any news on this one, anyone? (12/3)
  • received eeoc questionnaire in the mail today but no other news (x4)

Citadel (TT, Middle Ages, 16th, 17th or 20th)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by email (12/06) + 2

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • invitation sent 1/5
  • May I ask roughly when your visit is scheduled for? Thanks a lot (and don't worry if you don't feel comfortable sharing).
  • Sure! It's not scheduled yet, but is likely to be some time mid-February. 
  • OP: Thank you! I'm wondering how they'll choose among the four different areas of specialization advertised in the ad. This is so broad... Also, it is my only interview in which I have not been given a chance to talk either about my field of research or about how I would teach a particular class. I found it really odd and frustrating.

Offer made:

  • candidate accepted and search closed.


  • Anyone else having trouble attaching documents to the online application? (11/14)
  • For those of you who had an MLA interview: have you been told what is the decision timeline? Thanks a lot!

College of the Holy Cross, Eleanor Howard O'Leary Chair in Francophone Studies[]

Please submit a cover letter describing research and teaching interests, curriculum vitae, statement on teaching, academic transcripts, and three confidential letters of recommendation to Review of applications will begin on November 30, 2012 and will continue until the position has been filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the MLA Annual Meeting in Boston in January 2013.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


Cornell University (Lecturer/Sr Lecturer) []

Application Deadline: November 30, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • (12/15) Any news?
  • (1/20) Have people been selected for interviews?

Dartmouth College (Assistant Professor in Twentieth and Twenty First French Studies and Film)[]

PAST DEADLINE : October 26, 2012.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by email, 12/4 (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Visit scheduled by phone 01/10.

Offer made:

  • 02/07, accepted 02/09.


Denison University (Assistant Professor, Francophone Studies)[]

PAST DEADLINE : Nov 12, 2012.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by email 11/30 (x2)

Rejection post-MLA: Impersonal boiler-plate mass email telling a finalist that s/he wasn't a finalist whilst said finalist was waiting to hear back after campus visit.  C'est-à-dire, an email that was meant to tell applicants they weren't chosen for campus interviews, and which doesn't mention that anyone was hired, was sent to finalist post-campus-visit.

Campus visit:

Offer made:  & ACCEPTED!


  • These folks are kinda weird--but still good luck to all of you!
  • ^I didn't apply this year, but interviewed with them last year and thought that it was the most professional interview out of the ones that I had.  They were really nice. 
  • Any news about this ?
  • Ha an offer been made for this position? I was invited on campus in January, haven't heard from then since then. Any clue?
  • As the last (I think) candidate with a visit at the end of January, I still haven't heard from them either.
  • Thank you for responding. I guess a decision is on the way.
  • Or maybe not...(still waiting).
  • still waiting. not sure what is going on here.

Dickinson College (Visiting Assistant Professor)[]

Deadline: February 15

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit: scheduled on 03/15

Offer made:


Dominican University (Assistant Professor) []

Request for more materials:


  • Rejection saying position has been filled 2/21 x2

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • x2 (email sent on dec. 5th)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:  

  • x1

Offer made:


  • Any news as of 01/28?
  • Not a peep! (02/03)

Elmhurst College (Assistant Professor)[]

Application deadline: December 7, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • contacted on 12/10 via email for a Skype interview (+1)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Any news as of 01/16/2013??

Emory University, (Advanced Assistant Professor or Beginning Associate Professor with tenure)[]

PAST DEADLINE: November 26, 2012.

Request for more materials: 

  • (11/21) contacted x 5, (11/29) x 3


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview scheduled via email 12/5 (x3)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • x 5 (by email 12/20)

Offer made: 

  • Made and accepted


  • Are the two people who have been contacted for Skype interviews applying at the rank of Advanced Assistant or Beginning Associate?
  • I was advanced Assistant until my program was cut. 
  • I applied as an advanced Assistant.
  • I'm the one who posed the question, and I applied as Beginning Associate - was contacted for additional materials but have not heard about an interview.  I'm sorry to hear about the program cut you've gone through.   I hope one of you who replied to my query gets the position.
  • Thanks! Good luck to you in the job search.
  • Can anyone confirm whether any MLA interviews have been scheduled? 
  • Not that I know of. Skype interviews are later this week. 
  • For those who are participating in the Skype interviews: do you mind me asking what your area of specialization is?   I'm just curious to know what they are really looking for.  
  • Hello, all.  I was longlisted (asked for writing materials) as per above but didn't get invited to Skype interview.  Bizarrely though today (12/12) I got an email asking me to fill out an EO survey, and a thank you for applying.  Did other people get this? Thanks but no thanks I suppose.
  • I also got the same bizarre email today (12.12).  Like you, I was longlisted (asked for more materials), but am not on the short list for a Skype interview.  I already filled out the EO survey, too, months ago.  I wrote to the admin asst. today and asked her if it was mistakenly sent to me, and she responded and explained that the email was not intended for me.  I'm sure the email you received today was not intended for you, don't sweat it.  And honestly, I've been told by their former grad students that while they talk about interdisciplinarity and being able to bring new things to the dept, they tend to hire people that are a lot like them.  
  • Thanks for the above comment - what a mess!  Yes indeed, I'll put filling out that survey -- asking for me to do work for them after I've already been dismissed -- up at the top of my to-do list, right after I alphabetize my sock drawer.  Per your insight, my hunch with this job was (a) they aren't very academically diverse and aren't inclined to get more so, and (b) I smell inside hire on this one.  I also thought heading the email request for more materials with "Dear Candidate" was a nice touch also, very personal.  Anyway, not to be bitter or anything.  Seriously, I hope someone deserving lands this one.  Best wishes to all.
  • If it makes you feel better (and I truly hope it does) you do Atlanta. Period. Carry on elsewhere and enjoy this one life! All the best.
  • It actually does make me feel a lot better.  I also live in a place where we recently won the marriage equality issue for lgbt folks and I've come to the realization that not even Emory is worth that.  Peace out.  
  • So how did the interviews go?
  • I skype-interviewed but haven't heard anything as of 12/31. I enjoyed talking with them, they were respectful and engaged. I wish the finalists luck!
  • 1) Atlanta is a GREAT city, and there are many worse places to be 2) but it is true that they only want to hire a carbon copy of themselves 3) I know for sure this is not an inside hire: it is to replace a deceased professor.
  • 5 campus visits? Really? I thought it was usually limited to 3 or 4 at most! I am assuming this means they've had their pick of the litter! Interesting what is said above about "carbon copies", what do you mean exactly? I had a skype interview and never heard back, but was thoroughly impressed by the faculty who did the interview.
  • Has anyone had an offer?

Florida Institute of Technology (assistant professor - French and Italian)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


Fordham University (TT Asst. Prof. - Medieval French Literature)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • request for MLA interview (Dec. 6 x5)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Campus visit invitation 1/10. (+1)

Offer made:

  • Anyone?
  • Offer made (2/15)
  • Congrats! Thanks for posting.


Georgetown University (TT Asst. Prof. - Francophone Studies - Concentration in the Maghreb)[]

Request for more materials:


  • email (12/17) x2

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Request for MLA interview 12/13 (phone)

Rejection post-MLA:

  • 1/11

Campus visit:

Offer made:


Any offer?

Georgetown University (Lecturer)[]

Request for more materials:


  • email (12/17)x 4

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by phone (12/12) - Answer by 01/11

Rejection post-MLA:

  • as planned 01/11

Campus visit:

Offer made: and accepted (03/04)


Harvard University (Preceptor in French)[]

Request for more materials:


  • 1 (12/20)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA (11/27)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:

  • and accepted


  • Can we assume that we did not get it if we have not received an MLA invite? (12/03) / A: Yes, you can assume. In rare cases, schools will not call/email everyone on the same day, but most often they do.

Haverford College (PA) - Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in French Language and French and Francophone Culture []

Request for more materials:

Rejection: 3/28

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled on 12/17 (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled

Offer made:


  • Review of applications will begin November 1, 2012.
  • Just had an interview with them at MLA. They were very honest about the state of the department and its need for fresh blood. Lovely people. 
  • 1/24: It looks like there was a campus visit scheduled, but that the update was deleted. May I ask if/when you were contacted? Thanks!
  • Was contacted by email mid-January. Campus visits will take place in February. 
  • Thanks!

Illinois State University (Assistant Professor, 19th, 20th & 21st French Literature & Culture)[]


Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone): 

  • (11/19) Skype interview scheduled (x2)
  • (12/3) Skype interview scheduled (x1)

Rejection post-Skype:

Campus visit:

  • (12/13) by e-mail

Offer made:


Kansas State University, Assistant Professor (20th and/or Francophone)[]

Request for more materials:


  • received rejection email Jan 16. (x2)
  • Was it a rejection after an MLA interview?

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled.

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled.

Offer made: received rejection letter post-campus visit, saying that the position had been filled. The letter apologized for the bad weather when, in fact, the weather was absolutely gorgeous when I was there:)


  • A: As posted above, requests for MLA interviews have been sent out.
  • 02/15: Has any offer been made?? Please post, fellow job seekers! I was told they would make a decision this week, so I am guessing an offer has been extended...

Knox College (TT Asst. Prof.)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • (12/22) MLA interview scheduled via e-mail (x3)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Request for campus visit by email on 1/16

Offer made:


  • Congrats to those who got interviews! Did you submit well in advance of their December 21st rolling deadline? -- No, applied in the past week. -- I applied Dec. 8.
  • (OP) Wow, they acted fast! (12/22)

Loyola University Maryland (TT Asst. Prof. French/Arabic)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


The Job Search was canceled.

Marquette University - (TT Asst. Prof., Generalist)[]

PAST DEADLINE: November 9, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • 11/30 (MLA scheduled)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Campus interview scheduled for february  
  • Campus interviews took place.

Offer made:

  • Offer was made on 2/11


Massachusetts Institute of Technology - (TT Asst. Prof. of French, Contemporary) []

PAST DEADLINE: November 9, 2012

Request for more materials:


  • official usual yet rather friendly rejection letter received on the West Coast 02/27/13

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Email request for MLA interview (12/13) x2

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled. [posted 2/9/13]
  • Q: When was it scheduled?
  • A: A little over a week ago.
  • 4 campus visits, 1st and 2nd week of February

Offer made: Offer accepted


  • anyone have any news on this one?
  • haven't heard anything since the MLA interview (posted 1/27). anyone else notified or hear about campus visits being scheduled?

McDaniel College - (Asst. Prof. of French, Specialization open, with strong preference for Francophone studies) []

Request for more materials:


  • 12/17 personalized, nicely worded, pretty long, and asked me to apply for future position at their department. (x4)

Preliminary interview (Skype, MLA, phone): 

  • Nov 5-6 (x2) via Skype

Rejection post Skype interview:

  • email 12/12

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled for Nov 29-30

Offer made:


  • Has anyone noticed that McDaniel's app asks you to upload your own three letters of rec? This couldn't be correct, could it? Has anyone applied, and if so, how did you submit letters of rec? / A: the application goes through without the letters, that you can later send via Interfolio. Good luck!
  • They already have a visiting in Francophone Studies. This might not be a legitimate search.
  • I agree with the poster above: the fact that there was no transparency (no deadline, for instance) seemed a little odd to me from the start...
  • When it says review of applications will begin immediately (like McDaniel did) that's what it means--they start looking at them and once they feel they have a good candidate pool to move forward with interviews, they do so.
  • McDaniel is very problematic: they have conducted their search for many years now, the department has a lot of issues, not mentionning the very rude interviewers. You WILL see this ad next year... good luck to all of you!
  • Could you please name a few of the issues you're thinking of so that we can  have a fuller picture? Thanks!
  • Mainly politics, from which naturally other issues derive, namely the inability to agree on a candidate for many years. I really do not mean to be negative here, so I sincerely wish all of you good luck.
  • I cannot say anything about the politics of this department, but I want to point out that they did hire someone two years ago as an assistant prof, who has moved to other pastures as of this fall.
  • And the person hired before the last one left too. Hmmm.......
  • The rejection e-mail is the same one I've received in previous years; I thought it sounded nice and personal the first time, too.
  • These people are good peoples, they just happen to be at an institution where there isn't a lot of support for foreign language study. They're doing what they can with what they've got.

McGill University - Asst. Prof. of French/ professeur adjoint (« essai et prose d'idées ») []

Request for more materials:


  • 1/28/2013 (Letter)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Request to fill out diversity form [12/19] x3
  • I heard that this was not a legit search: the comitee already has two candidates with strong ties to the department and the job is going to one of them [03/25]

Middlebury College - (Asst. Prof. of French, 17th- and/or 18th-century Literature and Cultural Studies)[]

PAST DEADLINE: October 31, 2012.

Request for more materials: 


  • email, 12/19

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview + additional materials 12/14 (X 5) via email

Rejection post-MLA:

  • Email - 1/11

Campus visit:

  • scheduled 01/11

Offer made:

  • Accepted


  • This appears identical to a posting from 2009 (some of us have been doing this for a while...) - any thoughts on why this might be so?
  • The person hired in 2009 is no longer at Middlebury.
  • As a finalist for the job in 2009, I have a note: Middlebury is in a town of 8,000 (including students) that is about 2hrs 45mins from a big city (Montréal) and 1 hour from a big college town (Burlington-also the airport). I think that if you have family in the area or are able to bring your entire family to Middlebury, you have a good chance of making a life for yourself at an institution with incredible students. But, there is otherwise a great risk of isolation. My guess about the difficulty of keeping people in this deparment is, therefore, NOT (as rumors will state) because the department is somehow in bad shape or filled with contentious people (on the contrary, they all seemed lovely to me), but more likely because it's a hard place to settle down if you are young, single, or trying to balance a two body problem.
  • People will be contacted for MLA interviews in mid-december
  • I can't seem to find any information in my e-mail re: the room for the scheduled interview. Was this sent out already? 

Missouri Southern State University - one-year Assistant Professor of French (Renewable)[]

PAST DEADLINE: December 14, 2012.

Request for more materials:


  • personalized email (12/20)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


New York University - Assistant Professor of Francophone Literature []

PAST DEALINE: November 16, 2012

Request for more materials:


  • Snail mail rejection, 12/15

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Did anyone hear anything on Dec. 14th?
  • I'm under the impression that folks who specialize in the Maghreb don't use the wiki, or don't want to post in it, because it seems impossible that neither NYU nor Georgetown have scheduled interviews yet... A: FWIW, when Georgetown did their 19th c. search two years ago, they scheduled their interviews on Dec. 17. Still a couple of days to go :)
  • Received email today (11/29) saying that they have received my application and will contact people for MLA interviews by Dec 14th. Not sure if this is the standard email that goes out to all applicants or not. 
  • I received the same email this afternoon. Must be a generic one. x 3
  • I suspect this was not a genuinely open search.
  • What makes you think it was not a genuine open search? Is it because they sent a snail mail rejection so early on in the process? It does seem quite strange, but well, you never know...
  • I have never not been offered a first-round interview for this kind of job.  But you're right: you never know, since at a school who hires Assia Djebar, anything is possible.
  • Thanks a lot for your input! I just wish I hadn't sweat it so much for my application, and spent money on Interfolio - like many other candidates... Oh well... I sometimes wonder how many "fake" ads there are out there.
  • This was a 100% legitimate search and still is.  
  • So did anyone hear anything yet?
  • I second that. This is a legit search. NYU has a large department with many..."personalities." Not surprising that they took long to contact people for interviews. I expect the hiring process for this one to crawl along a bit.
  • This search has been canceled. They wanted someone who could teach and write in French, Arabic and English (!), but failed to find them. 
  • Working on North Africa and being forced to know Arabic and French? How appalling.
  • Actually, a promising candidate was invited (in extremis?) for a two-day interview.
  • Candidate is rejected (3/1). Search postponed.

Northwestern University (Lecturer)[]

Application deadline: December 1, 2012

Request for more materials:


  • letter 1/17

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • skype interview 12/14 +3 and 01/02

Rejection post-MLA:

  • Rejection post-Skype (02/11)

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled (1/22)

Offer made: According to a source at the department an offer has been extended and accepted (3/19).


Ohio Wesleyan University - TT Asst. Prof. of French (Metropolitan)[]

PAST DEADLINE: review of applications begins Dec. 3

Request for more materials:


  • rejection by email (12/22) (x4)
  • Really disappointing. I wonder what they are looking for.

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA by phone (12/21)

Rejection post-MLA:

  • by email (2/15)

Campus visit:

  • Should we assume they have been scheduled, along with the Francophone position?
  • I told myself the same, since I haven't heard anything.

Offer made:


  • Has anyone been contacted about this position? (12/21)
  • Also waiting on this... Saw that people were contacted about the Francophonie position. (12/22).
  • I have not received a rejection, but no interview either. I am wondering if anybody has received an interview request for that one, or if there is an internal candidate...
  • Judging from their website, there is an inside candidate for this position (with specialization in 18th-19th, medieval, and pedagogy) and for the Francophone position, too. They are both visiting asst. profs, hired last year (Fall 2011 or Spring 2012) when the 2 tenured faculty passed away. Of course, that doesn't mean this is not a legitimate search.
  • How did the two tenured faculty passed away? That is a sad situation.
  • They both died after long bouts with cancer. They were in their late 60s or early 70s. I had the good fortune to know them when I was an undergrad at OWU in the 1990s. At that time, there were 4 French professors: 2 have since retired and were never replaced; these other two who kept teaching then became ill. It's a shame that the French program is smaller than it used to be. I'm very surprised that, as an alum, I didn't even get an interview for this job.
  • It is indeed a shame that an alum did not get an interview. I bet that if one of your former professors was on the committee, you would had high chances. I wish you the best!
  • Thank you. Best wishes to you, too! It's great that we can communicate and support each other through this Wiki.
  • Is this a glitch? Or did they announce another search for the same positions on December 30th?

Ohio Wesleyan University - TT Asst. Prof. of French (Francophone Studies)[]

PAST DEADLINE: review of applications begins Dec. 3

Request for more materials:


  • 12/22 (email) (x2)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by phone (12/21)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled

Offer made:


  • 12/19: Any news about this position?
  • 12/21 Was contacted for an MLA interview
  • campus interview yet?

Oxford University - University Lectureship in Medieval French []

PAST DEADLINE: February 13

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, phone):

Rejection post-interview:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


Princeton University - (TT Asst. French Renaissance) []

PAST DEADLINE: Applications received by November 30, 2012 will be given full consideration.

Request for more materials:

  • (12/20) Received e-mail requesting writing sample.


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • contacted for MLA interview 12/12 (x3)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Invitation to visit campus 1/5 (x2)

Offer made:

  • Has anybody heard about this? 2/14
  • No news here. Though it looks like one person who was invited to campus isn't necessarily posting on the wiki. 2/15
  • True. (And thank you for posting.) Third person! Heed our call! 2/15
  • Offer extended 2/20; accepted 3/5


  • Search Chair = ?
  • (12/14) Received some sort of general two-line e-mail saying that they are evaluating candidates' files and will contact soon if they need more materials...
  • Yeah, I got the same e-mail--though it seems like they've already chosen their short list. The message I received had no subject heading and included the e-mail address of another candidate. 
  • (12/20) Received e-mail requesting writing sample.

Reed College (Visiting Assistant Professor of French)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled on 12/05/2012 (x3)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • 1/7

Offer made:


Rice University (TX) - Lecturer in French Lang. & Culture (Full-Time, 2 Yr. Renewable Appt.) - CANCELLED[]


Rhodes College - Asst. Professor of French (3 Yr. Position), Medieval/Early Modern []

PAST DEADLINE: Review of complete applications will begin November 26th

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • E-mail request for Skype interview (12/19, 1/2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled

Offer made:

  • Accepted (2/27)


  • Has anyone heard anything? -- Nothing here (12/19) (x3)
  • Q: Congratulations to the candidate who received a request for a Skype interview!  Did you get a sense whether Rhodes is conducting Skype interviews instead of MLA interviews, or if the Skype interview is a prelude to an MLA invitation? --- The e-mail stated that they are not interviewing at MLA. Skype interviews are being scheduled for post-MLA.
  • Thanks for the info.  This looks like such a great position.  Best of luck to you! -- Don't lose hope. It sounds like they are interviewing in waves.

Rockford College (Assistant Professor) []

(strong preference for Francophone Caribbean or Francophone Africa)

Application deadline: December 15, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Telephone interview scheduled via email 12/16. Phone interview scheduled 12/22. (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • campus visit requested 1/9

Offer made:


Seattle University (Assistant Professor of French - African/Caribbean Lit)[]

Request for more materials:


  • E-mail (12/2). I received the rejection email too. It was odd to get it on a Sunday, so early in the search process, despite the fact that my qualifications corresponded to the ad... Also, the email stated they had scheduled MLA interviews with candidates who have "more publications and more teaching experience."
  • Yeah, don't worry about these guys. I don't think they get to hire much because it didn't seem like they knew what they were doing. For one, you never cancel out your entire candidate pool immediately after inviting initial interviewees, because you just might need to go back to said candidate pool if no one accepts your job.
  • See below, there are at least two of us who didn't receive a formal rejection or an interview request.

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone): 

  • MLA interview (11/27)

Rejection post-MLA:

  • Any  post MLA news for this position?

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Somebody had posted an MLA interview earlier today (12/05) and it has since been removed. Was the info incorrect?
  • I posted and deleted that interview date. I initially posted it by mistake. Thanks.
  • I have not received a rejection letter nor an invitation for MLA interview. Anyone in this situation? A: Yes, but if someone has gotten an interview, it's presumably a rejection. At least we didn't have to hear about those with "more publications and more teaching experience." Perhaps that e-mail is on it's way still.

St. Anselm College (Assistant Prof. 17th Century / Contemporary or SLA) []

PAST DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin Dec 1, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled on 12/11 (x5)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled by phone on 1/10

Offer made: yes, an "excellent candidate" has been hired (rejection email 04/12)


  • Does anyone know why the status history on the MLA says that interview has been scheduled but they are still accepting application? I thoughts interviews are typically scheduled after application other words, is it worth my time applying?
  • I sent an email to the department last week with the same question, but never got an answer, so I take it that it's not worth applying anymore...
  • The deadline is December 1. I'm not familiar with the ADFL list statuses, but could it be that they put "interviewing at the MLA" because that's what they intend to do, as indicated in the body of the ad?
  • NB: they modified their MLA job description and moved up the application deadline from dec., 15 to dec., 1.  I contacted them yesterday (12/9) asking if I could still apply considering I had the initial job description and deadline.  I received a one-line response telling me I couldn't, without even an applogoy.  That gives you an idea of this department.
  • What is everyone's field (contemporary/ SLA/ 17th) who got MLA interviews, if you feel comfortable sharing? SLA
  • I'm 17th
  • Anyone else hear about a campus visit?
  • No news and no rejection email as of yet. (x2)
  • Rejection email thanking me for "taking the time to interview with them" (why thank you, but I did not, in fact)

St. Lawrence University (NY) - Asst. Professor, Francophone African literature[]

PAST DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin November 1, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview scheduled 11/30/12 for mid-December

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Has anyone heard from them? They have an internal candidate; this does not seem to be a legitimate search.
  • It is indeed a legimate search as candidates were on campus. and as I am the inside candidate you are refering who may or may not get the job.
  • Dear internal candidate, thanks for replying. I hope (sincerely) that you get the job- I've already accepted an offer. Best!
  • Best of luck with you new position (The Internal candidate)
  • Any idea if offers have been extended?
  • Not sure. As an internal candidate, I was last person they interviewed last week. Since then, I haven't heard from the comittee. My guess is the postion is offered to another candidate and he/she may need few days to respond to the offer. Hope this helps
  • To internal candidate: if I were you, I would refrain from answering questions regarding this position. At least until you know your status.
  • Position offerd and accepted.

Stony Brook University (TT, Francophonie, littérature-monde, bilingual cultural processes, and nineteenth-century French/Quebecois literature)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone): E-mail on 05/19 regarding an interview after the summer break.

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • This is a dead link. Any updates?
  • They have a job as on their homepage...
  • They reposted the job ad for the third time, with a different deadline, and slightly modified. Anyone has any info on what's happening with them?

Southern Methodist University (Professor of Practice)[]

DEADLINE: May 1, 2013

Request for more materials:


Preliminary Interview (skype, phone):

  • Skype interview scheduled (5/1)

Campus visit:

Offer made:


Southern Methodist University (Assistant Professor, long 19th century)[]

Request for more materials:


  • 02/25 - I figured out it was a rejection when I saw the title of the email, which was "rejectionletterfrench2013.docx"

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by email (12/3)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled (x2)

Offer made:

  • and accepted, according to the rejection email (02/25)
  • (3/1) Yes, a rejection e-mail that consisted entirely of an attachment with the file name "rejectionletter.doc".  Stay classy, SMU.


Susquehanna University (Assistant Professor of French or Francophone Studies) []

Deadline: January 11

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, phone):

  • Skype interview scheduled (01/20) +3

Rejection post-interview:

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled 02/21 via phone + 1

Offer made:

  • Accepted (3/4)


  • Any word on this one? Any campus visits? A: On the skype interview I was told it would be a few weeks before they contacted anyone about campus visits, so unless anyone else has heard differently yet, there's still hope :).Good to know! Thanks!
  • On the skype interview, I was told that the search would move very quckly. No news here yet, either though.
  • It has been over 3 weeks... Still nothing?
  • It will move quickly probably because they already know who will get the job (internal candidate), although there is wrong with giving the position to an internal condidate.
  • How do you know this???

Swarthmore College (Lecturer)[]

Request for more materials:

Rejection: 3/12 (impersonal)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone): 

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • completed 

Offer made:


  • Any news about this search? (1/10)
  • Not yet (1/10; 2/14; 3/1)
  • They have done visits.  I assume they have extended an offer to someone, but I don't know for sure.
  • I don't know what the message looked like to the person who received the "impersonal" rejection, but I just wanted to say that they were very lovely when I went to visit and even before emailing a rejection, they telephoned me so I would know right away.  There must have been different rejection letters.  Congratulations to the new lecturer!

Texas Tech University (Generalist)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Phone interview 11/30

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Invitation sent by e-mail on 12/6

Offer made:


  • (12/28) Any news?

United States Air Force Academy - TT Assistant Professorof French[]


Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone): Conducted in the 3rd week of March.

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:

NOTES & QUERIES: Was this a tenure-track or a 4 year position? I'm not quite sure anymore.

United States Military Academy (West Point) - Instructor/Assistant Professor of French[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Phone interview scheduled by email on 1/17 (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • (12/30) Any news?
  • No news whatsoever. I don't even know if they received my application... (01/01/2013)
  • Same here. What's going on?
  • Also no news or acknowledgment of my application (1/9/13)

United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD) - TT Assistant Professor of French[]

PAST DEADLINE: December 1, 2012

Request for more materials:


  • E-mail (12/11) x6

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Phone interview 12/6 x4 - MLA interview scheduled by email 12/7 x5

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled 1/18

Offer made:


  • Any news  as of 12/06/2012?
  • (12/7/2012) Has anyone received a rejection email or letter for this position?
  • (12/7) I have not, but since some interviews have posted, it won't be long until I do get one.
  • Has anyone heard anything since the MLA? No, but I guess visits have been scheduled...(1/23)

University of Alabama Birmingham - Carter Endowed Professor of French & Proust Studies (Open Rank)[]

PAST DEADLINE: Nov. 20, 2012.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview requested by email (12/18) x2

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled

Offer made:


University of British Columbia (Okanagan campus), (Assistant Prof, Post-colonial Québécois Literature)[]

DEADLINE: March 31, 2013

Request for more materials:


Preliminary Interview (skype, phone):

Campus visit:

Offer made:


University of California, Berkeley (Assistant Professor, 20th and/or 21st century French literary and cultural studies) []

PAST DEADLINE: November 9, 2012

Request for more materials:


  • 12/18 (nice, friendly and personnable email)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by email, 12/12 (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

  • Rejection by email Jan. 14.

Campus visit:

  • they've been scheduled (1/7)

Offer made:


  • Was it an individually addressed message or sent to an undisclosed list? Thanks!
  • A: individually addressed message

University of California, Santa Cruz (Assistant or Associate Professor, French Applied Linguistics)[]

PAST DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on October 31, 2012.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • phone interview (12/7)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Any news on this position?
  • Posted: 12/02/2012: I sent my application to UC, Santa Cruz, a while ago,(before their deadline ofcourse!) but did not hear anything from them...
  • still nothing !? (12/6)
  • Had a phone interview with UC,Santa Cruz in December and received a sweet email of rejection (01/20/2013).

University of Central Arkansas (Asst. Professor of French, TT) []

PAST DEADLINE: Applications review begins December 1 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • phone interview scheduled 1/7/13 +3
  • It was just a telephone pre-screening, right? Any news since? / A: I was told they hoped to narrow down the list within two weeks.
  • Thank you!
  • Second phone interview (first one in French, second in English) almost over. I heard there may be an inside candidate.
  • You're right. Her Facebook page indicates that she's quite confident about getting the position: "Aug 2011 to present: long term, enfin ! et puis, bientôt en Tenure Track !!!"
    • Sorry, if I can participate to the discussion, on my Facebook page, it does say that but that was not for this position which was a suprised one. So don't worry people :)
  • Wow, I am so shocked!! I mean, I know that this inside candidate thing happens but what's the point of having us go through all these steps if the dice is already cast??
    • Dice not cast, I can assure you.
  • It could be just wishful thinking. Let us not be discouraged and hope for the best though, I must confess, I was itching to mention this aspect during the phone interview. 
  • Hm. The IP address of the "second phone interview" poster is in Conway, AR. And once again, the wiki reaches a new level of 'whose mind shall I fuck with today?"
    • No, actually, the second phone interview did happen, which is, I think, quite rare. There was one in French, than one in English.
      • What I call "mind-fucking" is the fact that someone in Conway, AR, would post that they "heard there might be an inside candidate" ;)
      • (looks like they're a match made in heaven ;) )

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made: and accepted.


  • Any news about this search (12/26)?
  • No news and no acknowledgment of receipt of application (01/01).

University of Colorado, Boulder - TT Asst. Professor, 19th c. French Lit., Culture & Society []

PAST DEADLINE: Consideration of applications will begin on Nov. 16, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by email (12/7) x2

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled

Offer made:

  • Offer made and accepted


  • Any more information on campus visits? Anyone else? Email or phone? - by email
  • Would you mind sharing when the offer was made and accepted? Thank you!  A: the person who originally posted the offer and acceptance information posted it on 3/16, which anther poster noted on the wiki.  Someone later erased the date notation; why, I don't know.

University of Hawaii at Manoa - TT Assistant Professor of French Language[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • (01/12) Skype interview scheduled via email.

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled. [posted 2/9]

Offer made:

  • and accepted (second-hand)


  • Anything? (12/22)  the deadline was just a few days ago so i'm assuming we won't hear right away (12/23)
  • (01/12) Did you get an actual interview? I just got an email today saying that they will contact finalists soon. x3
  • I am not the OP but yes, Skype interviews have been scheduled.
  • So that email was a de facto rejection? And/or their left hand doesn't know what the right is doing? In either case, how annoying!
  • (1/14) Got the same email saying that we would hear from them during Jan. So, the finalists have been selected already and this email is a rejection?
  • Any idea as to when they will let us know if we are invited to campus? Thanks!
  • Yes, I wish they would be more transparent about the timeline, because I have campus visits coming up and would be happy to know when to stop "hoping" about this particular position...
  • Were any of the interviewees listed here interviewing for the other (literature) position? Or has that set of interviews not been done yet?
  • I was interviewing for the language position. I don't know if they have scheduled the other interviews.
  • I am not sure but it does look from the website like there may be an inside candidate for the 20th century position.

University of Hawaii at Manoa - TT Assistant Professor of French - 20th or 20th and 21st Century Studies[]

Request for more materials:

Rejection: via email 04/27

Preliminary interview (skype):

  • requested via email 01/24

Rejection post-skype:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled via email 02/07

Offer made:

  • and accepted


  • Received email stating candidates will be contacted for skype interviews in January (cf. above for exegesis).
  • any news regarding this position ? (02/06)
  • Nothing since the Skype interview (02/06)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Assistant/Associate Professor of French - Francophone Studies[]

PAST DEADLINE: November 1, 2012

Request for more materials:


  • via email 12/14 (x2)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview scheduled via email 11/30 (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled in mid-December

Offer made:

  • "decided not to go forward with a hire...hope to resume search next year" (via a friend 2/10)


  • Anyone able to put me out of my misery and proclaim a campus visit? Seems unlikely this could be hanging given the scheduling of the other search. Thanks. (Sorry - info added.) --No worries, thanks for updating so rapidly! Congratulations, and good luck on campus!
  • --received one email today and one yesterday (2/14) from dept. saying they have canceled search

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Associate/Assistant Professor of French - 19th-Century Studies[]

PAST DEADLINE: November 1, 2012.

Request for more materials:


  • email 12/6 (x2)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview requested via e-mail, 12/3 (x3)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • Contacted 12/17 (x3)

Offer made:

  • made and accepted


University of Indianapolis - Advanced Assistant or Associate Professor of French []

PAST DEADLINE: For full consideration applications must be received by December 1, 2012.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • (01/28) e-mail request for phone/Skype interview 12/7 (x10).

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • (01/28) email request for campus interview 12/21x4

Offer made:


  • Any one know why they are moving so slowly here?
  • They emailed me on 12/21 to request a campus interview but haven't yet scheduled it. Sorry I should have posted this earlier. 
  • (01/18) one of few positions for Associate Prof in a city sad to miss the campus visit opportunity.. Had a campus visit a few years back, one of few places where I felt like myself. Good place--small school, serious but not pompous. congrats whoever got visits and good luck!!
  • (01/28) that was fast--campus interviews scheduled in Dec?

University of Maine, Farmington - Assistant Professor[]


  • email 01/02

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype scheduled via phone (12/7) (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • They had a failed search last year. For those applying, know that teaching is a top priority and that research is almost entirely unnecessary - pedagogical research would be best. Study abroad coordination would be helpful, but do keep in mind that it is extremely remote. Most students are first generation and interested in education. Nice community, but not for anyone with a research agenda or with a desire to live in a large or warm place.

University of Melbourne - A.R.CHISHOLM CHAIR IN FRENCH []

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


University of Memphis - Assistant Professor (2 positions - Francophone Literature and/or Culture, Translation, SLA, 19th c. French Studies)[]


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • skype interview requested by email (12/17)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit: 03/25

Offer made: 04/06, accepted 04/12


  • They have three visiting; two fit the description of their searches. - The job ad is very broad and the school has a lot of holes in their TT faculty, so of course they would have visitors who cover some of the things that need to be covered.
  • Any news here? It's been dead on the Wiki for so long, should we assume that they hired inside candidates? (2/26)
  • They took a *long* time scheduling campus visits after MLA but did invite people.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Assistant Professor (Mediterranean Studies)[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • skype scheduled 12/6

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • anyone else? 
  • any news on this?

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Visiting Assistant Professor (French and Francophone Studies)[]

Full-time, Visiting Assistant Professor position in French and Francophone Studies for academic year 2013-14 only. Position subject to funding availability.

Ph.D. (or equivalent terminal degree) in French or a closely related field (degree in hand by 8/26/2013), evidence or promise of scholarly achievement, two years of college or university teaching experience, and native or near-native fluency in French and English are required.

Candidates will be evaluated according to the overall quality of academic preparation and professional experience, evidence of commitment to teaching and skills as a teacher, and strength of recommendations. Preference may be given to candidates with expertise in some area of Francophone Studies.

The successful candidate will teach five semester courses over the academic year (at the intermediate or advanced level). Some advising and service responsibilities will be assigned taking into account the candidate’s specific qualifications and experience. Salary is competitive and based on experience.

Application materials (cover letter and cv) must be submitted online at

Enter requisition number 183481. Three letters of recommendation may be emailed to Nissa Sandley at or sent to Chair, French Search Committee, French and Italian, University of Minnesota, 314 Folwell, 9 Pleasant St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455.

Review of applications begins on April 5. The University of Minnesota is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, phone): Skype interviews scheduled via email (05/07) – Q: congrats! out of curiosity, can you share when the interview will happen? by friday, or next week? A: AFAIK they're scheduled for today, Thurs, and Fri of this week. – Q: Thanks!

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made: extended 05/15


University of North Carolina, Asheville, Assistant Professor (French studies)[]

Deadline: 1/15/2013

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, phone):

  • phone interview scheduled (late Jan.) x2

Rejection post-interview:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled. [posted 2/9]
  • 02/15: Has any offer been made?
  • There was an inside candidate. I don't really think it was a genuine search.

Offer made:


University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Assistant Professor (18th and/or 19th c. French studies)[]

Request for more materials:

  • 11/06; 11/06; 11/01; 11/11


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview scheduled (11/20) (x3)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled 12/11

Offer made:

  • made and accepted


University of North Carolina, Wilmington, Assistant Professor (Francophone studies, with a specialization in the Maghreb or the Francophone Mediterranean) []


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by phone. (12/3) (x2)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • (01/09) scheduled

Offer made:

  • Offer made 2/8, offer accepted


University of Pennsylvania, Assistant Professor (Early Modern/Renaissance France, interest in transmaritime literature welcome) []

PAST DEADLINE: November 12, 2012


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled (12/3) (x3)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:

  • 1/21, accepted 1/25


  • Search Chair = ?
  • I heard that they specifically are looking to replace a retired 16th century person. "Early modern" seems vague here, but who knows.
  • Would those who were contacted for an MLA interview be comfortable sharing their period of specialization (if that is not too invasive)?  I'm just curious.
  • I'm 100% 16th century. (x3)
  • Any news?
  • That was fast? 

University of Pittsburgh (TT - Francophone: Caribbean, Sub-Saharan African, Black Francophone)[]

Requests for more materials:

  • 11/17 (x4)

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (skype, MLA, phone):

  • video 12/11 (x3)

Rejection post-interview:

  • 1/2

Campus visits:

  • anyone have any news re: campus visits here yet? A: Email (12/27) indicating they would contact candidates after Jan. 2.

Offer made:


  • They said they would contact people by 11/12 if interested. Has anyone been contacted for more material? Answer: Yes 11/17 (x5)
  • Confused: when people say they have been "contacted for more information," does this mean the letter they sent out acknowledging receipt of application and asking about ethnic background for diversity purposes, or have they asked for substantive application materials? / Given the wording, they have been asked for more materials.
  • To clarify--was asked for further materials. If they didn't ask you, you're out for now and you can turn your attention to your other apps.
  • Was the meanness necessary?
  • No meanness meant--sorry if it sounded curt. Just trying to help people see that if they move forward without you don't look back on it and focus attention on the apps that are still in play.
  • Has anybody heard back from them after sending the extra material? nope (x2)
  • They've hired for this position the last three consecutive years--I've been interviewed two of the three times and each time they proceeded very slowly.
  • Were the other searches failed searches?
  • They have a visiting lecturer who fits the description (their own student).
  • They WILL NOT hire their own student--usually places are not allowed. It does nothing to build their program.
  • For those who interviewed in the past--did they send prompt notifications about rejection post-interview? 
  • I interviewed here three years ago and yes, they did hire three years ago but it was problematic because he is rather limited in his "francophone" expertise. Since then, they are looking for someone to complement the position and have failed it seems. Good luck to the finalists, think large! This is a department that can really use some big vision people!
  • ^^ Sour grapes I think! I took a class with their current Francophonist  (1 yr ago) and he's fine. Whispers are that they're just trying to build out a global perspective to compete more broadly. There is no inside hire.
  • No sour grapes I can assure you. I got two other offers that year, one of which I happily took and am now employed in a TT position (midpoint review occuring this semester). A close friend just interviewed for this job and I have some inside info about this position, from a colleague in FRIT. It is true that they want more global representation, but there is more going on here, that is all.
  • ^ As a third party observer -- I only got a first round interview for this one -- you do seem to have a bee in your bonnet, and quite a lot of time on your hands to be posting here when you have a "TT position." just sayin'
  • From a Graduate student in this department, who got a job for next year: Sour grapes. The search was made to diversify even more the great offer the department already has to offer, replacing a professor who left. The new combo in Francophone/postcolonial is made to be complementary, and it will be.

University of Rhode Island - Assistant Professor of French with Specialization in French Film[]

PAST DEADLINE: October 30, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Phone interview scheduled for 12/14

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Any news?

University of South Carolina, Columbia, Assistant Professor TT (18th and/or 19th c. French Studies)[]

PAST DEADLINE: Review will begin on Nov. 15th and continue until filled.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled via email on 12/11/12 (x4)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • scheduled

Offer made:


  • Received an email today saying that my application was received & is still under consideration. Did anyone else get this email? (12/17) Yes, I did. Chin up!
  • Are there others who have heard nothing? 
  • Has anyone heard anything since the MLA? They had said they would call candidates the week of Jan. 7...? / A: see above, a campus visit has been scheduled.

University of Southern Indiana, Assistant Professor TT (generalist) []

PAST DEADLINE: Review will begin on December 1st and continue until filled.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • request made on dec. 1st + 1

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:

  • and accepted 02/11


  • For those of you who had an interview, have you understood if they will contact us during the 2nd week of the Spring semester for campus visits, or if that is when the visits will actually take place? Thanks!  A: Next week the committee will contact references by phone and make the final selection for campus visits. Next, the top candidates will be approved by the dean and campus invites will go out. Ideally, campus visits will take place mid-January. A: Thank you so much!
  • Any news? (01/26)

University of Southern Mississippi- TT Asst. Professor of French[]

PAST DEADLINE: To ensure full consideration, complete application materials should be submitted to the Southern Miss website at (job posting # 000244) by January 1, 2013.

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made: and accepted!


University of Texas, San Antonio (Senior Lecturer)[]


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interview on Dec 5

Rejection post-skype:

Campus visit:

  • Scheduled on 12/17

Offer made:

  • and accepted (2/18)


  • did anyone get post skype rejection notice?
  • Not a peep since I got an email acknowledging receipt of application (01/07) +1

University of Toronto, Assistant Professor TT (nineteenth-century literature and culture) []

PAST DEADLINE: The closing date for receipt of applications is December 1, 2012.

Request for more materials:


  • email 1/17 x2, 1/22

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


University of Toronto Mississauga - TT Asst. Professor, Teaching & Learning French[]

DEADLINE PAST: November 1, 2012

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • nothing yet ? (12/17) and yet ? (01/24)

University of Toronto Scarborough - TT Asst. Professor, French Literature and Culture (18th Century)[]

DEADLINE PAST: Feb 15, 2013

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made: Heard from well-connected sources that somebody has been hired.

NOTES & QUERIES: any news? (11/04)

nothing yet (12/04).

and yet ?Two and half months for an answer, is this possible? (04/23)

still nothing. Don't worry, at this point no news is good news. You don't know if other peaople already have been rejected, just tell yourself that as long as they didn't tell you you were out, it means you're still in. I wouldn't be surprised if the campus visits only took place in the second half of May, or even early June. Patience, and good luck to you! (04/25)

There has been at least one visit scheduled.

Well, then, it is quite possible that people who have not been contacted for a visit have not made the cut. I'd find it a bit rude and unrespectfull to not at least receive a generic e-mail, but those things happen. Keep the rest of us updated if you hear anything. 

University of Vermont, Assistant Professor / Romance Languages (pre-nineteenth-century literature and/or culture)[]


  • (email) 12/12 (x2)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Interview & request for materials (12/12) x 3

Rejection post-MLA:

  • (email) 1/9 x 3

Campus visit:

  • x1 (email, 01/21)

Offer made:

  • Made, 02/12.
  • Offer finalized and accepted on February 15th


  • 12/7 - Any news? 
  • 12/10 - Not for me. I'm also still waiting to hear (x3). Good luck! (x5)
  • Sorry to say this Department's best days are behind it for awhile.
  • I noticed the rejection emails but did they schedule a MLA interview with anybody? Do universities usually start with rejection emails?
  • ^ They may have started with a first cut of those that didn't meet minimum requirements or just were not what they were after. Now they may be looking closer at the remaining pool to determine interviews. I know applicants to this position who have not received any word yet.
  • Anyone else still in limbo? 
  • Yes, I'm in limbo too. (x5)
  • Were people contacted by phone?  By email? -- By email.
  • I would agree with the person who said that this Department's best days are behind it.  I was an undergrad there in the 1980s/90s and there were some good professors there at the time.  This department is *adrift* to say the least- all you have to do is look at their hires in French over the last 10 years.  Seriously. And we wonder why French is on the decline in the US when we see the types of "researchers" and their esoteric publication records.  -- Could I request that we limit this kind of vituperation to departments where candidates are walking into minefields and genuinely should be forewarned?
  • This department is far from a minefield.  It's a wasteland.
  • The last two postings are dead on. I too knew it in 80s/90s and even a little later--all the great professors who made it what is was are gone. The recent hires are laregly disastrous. Wildly competitive colleagues who want to up you all the time. Haven't figured out how to keep French pertinent, like previous posting says. Depsite the land grant status of Vermont, it's a small place and small department that has to find ways to remain vital, which it no longer does. And in fact, the whole university has been going down the tubes the last 10 years for a host of reasons and owing to a host of decisions that are too numerous to elaborate.
  • I don't get it. If that's SO bad, why bother applying?
  • I'm not sure about other people posting, but I didn't apply for all the reasons others have elaborated upon.
  • The MLA interview was lovely. But the rejection came in the form of a strange automated email from the administration that thanked me for visiting campus (!?), informing me that an offer had been made. Very strange to send out rejections at this stage. You'd think they would want to have backup options in case the short list candidates don't work out.
  • Wow! This is weird! Can it be a mistake? Do they conduct another search? At the MLA they told me that they would notify candidates at the end of january. Also I am thinking that they might have an inside candidate
  • The chair of the committee sent me an email informing me that that email was a system glitch. They are bringing people to campus. It was good to get a personal email from the chair of the committee. 

University of Washington, Assistant Professor (modern period) []

Request for more materials:

  • 11/19 x6


  • 12/18 (x4)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA 12/10 (x5)

Rejection post-MLA:

  • Has anyone received a post-MLA rejection email or letter for this position?

Campus visit:

  • A colleage has been asked to visit the campus this month
  • Can I ask when the invitation was made, thanks?
  • Phone call 1/8

Offer made:

  • Any news on this?
  • No news here either. I was under the impression that we would hear either way last week.
  • No news on my front.  I was also told that we would hear last week (2/4-2/8), but that seemed rather optimistic based on my previous experiences.  
  • Offer made (2/14), accepted (2/19)


  • was more info requested via email, hard mail, or phone? / A: email on Monday Nov. 19.
  • Thanks!
  • Congratulations on the MLA interview! Was it scheduled via email, Interfolio, or phone? Thanks. / A: email on Monday Dec. 10.
  • Lots of wonderful people in this department -- I applied, but they weren't looking for a francophonist. I wish those who got call backs lots of luck. Whoever lands this one is going to be one happy person!

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse - (Assistant Professor of French) []

PAST DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin October 1, 2012 and will continue until the position is filled.


  • Rejection via a public email list where one can see his/her name displayed along with those of other rejected candidates. How outrageous!
  • Strange, the rejection I received (12/8) was bcc'ed so there were no names... (x4)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Skype interviews Nov. 5-7

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • yes [see note below]

Offer made:

  • offered made and accepted.


  • Has anyone been invited for campus interview for this position. I had a skype interview but have not heard from them yet. // Yes, I know someone who has been invited for a campus visit, but I don't know when it will take place.

University of Wisconsin-Madison - TT Asst. Contemporary French or Francophone []

PAST DEADLINE: To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by December 1, 2012.

Request for more materials:


  • 01/24 by email

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by phone (12/19) x3

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Email acknowledgement of app received 11/29 (with attached .pdf letter dated 11/27), stating they expect the initial review of applications to be completed by 01/30/13.
  • crickets* (1/25)
  • I'm pretty sure they must have sent out campus invitations; it's just that the invited candidates don't post here...
  • Well, there's some reason for blind hope. Last year they interviewed at MLA and didn't contact people until early February for two positions (including this one that they didn't hire for). There are apparently strict rules about everything going through the faculty or the faculty senate that drag out the process. And nobody has posted information about either of the UW-M campus visits here.
  • I like your optimism!! And it could also be that their campus has simply frozen and is now closed down:) What with those crazy temperatures!
  • Since someone posted a campus visit for the Medieval position, I think we can assume invitations have been made for this position as well. 

University of Wisconsin-Madison - TT Asst. French Medieval Literature and Culture[]

PAST DEADLINE: To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by December 1, 2012.

Request for more materials:


  • Very nice email/letter, 01/25
  • For those who received a rejection, did you interview at MLA?
  • No, I was not interviewed at the MLA conference.

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • MLA interview scheduled by phone (12/19)

Rejection post-MLA: 

Campus visit:

  • scheduled in late January
  • Did anyone ask for a timeline for the decision, either for this search or the contemporary one?
  • Have they made an offer for either of the searches?

Offer made:


  • 12/12 - received confirmation letter which states that they "expect to make decisions by Jan. 30", i.e. after the MLA. (x4) Confusing. Any other word on this job?
  • I applied for a job at UW last year and encountered the same letter, which confused me. What it meant is that they planned to narrow it down to 3 finalists for campus visits by this date, but they conducted preliminary interviews at MLA in order to do so.
  • For what it's worth, a couple years ago they did Skype preliminary interviews, I think in late January. But I haven't heard anything about how they are doing things this year. --- A couple years ago, the Wisconsin job was posted late, MLA had already passed.
  • The wording of the email for the contemporary French position is that they anticipate to complete the initial phase by Jan. 30. It doesn't sound like they're going to the MLA. ---Same wording on the Medieval letter.
  • So, they also sent that email to applicants to the contemporary French position? I applied and have not received it, which leaves me wondering whether they received my application at all... (x3) 
  • Has anyone heard anything since the MLA? Has anyone had a request for more materials? (01/22)

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - TT Assistant Professor of French[]

PAST DEADLINE: Initial review of applications will begin November 5, 2012.

Request for more materials:


  • via email (12/6) x9 (very nice and personalized e-mail, gives a good impression of the department)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Phone interview (20 min). 11/20 (X4);
  • 12/6 MLA interview x2

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • x2

Offer made:

  • Offer made and accepted


  • Did anybody who had the phone interview receive a rejection email?
  • question: Is anyone who got an MLA (or phone) interview an early modenist? Not me (20th century Francophone).
  • Q: Does anybody know why they have both a phone interview and an MLA? I thought the phone/Skype interview usually replaces the MLA interview. Does this mean there will be no campus visits?
  • Any news on this one?

Utica College - TT Asst. Professor of French[]


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • phone interview scheduled by email (12/18)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • campus interview requested by email (1/2)

Offer made:


  • Very respectful and professional bunch of people on that hiring committee.

Vassar College - 2-year VAP[]

Request for more materials:

  • Request via e-mail for writing sample and syllabi (01/20) (x4)

Rejection: email - position filled

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • skype interview scheduled by email

Campus visit:

Offer made:


Virginia Military Institute (Assistant Professor of French)[]

PAST DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin October 1, 2012 and will continue until the position is filled.

Request for more materials:


  • email rejection (02/22)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • Telephone pre-screening 11/12, 11/13, 11/19.  
  • Skype interview 11/28x3

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • late Jan.

Offer made:


  • Has anyone figured out how to attach confidential letters of rec to the online application? (11/7) I was told letters could be mailed to: Virginia Military Institute, 100 Human Resources, Lexington, VA 24450 (11/8) Thanks! (11/9). The address I was given was VMI Human Resources / 305 Letcher Avenue / Lexington, VA 24450 (11/9)
  • Has anyone visited this campus? A: Not me. R: Thanks! Good luck!
  • Yes, a couple of campus visits took place in December, but they are supposed to invite more people late January.
  • Offer made?

Wake Forest University - Lecturer in French[]

Request for more materials:


Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

Rejection post-interview:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


  • Has anyone heard anything from them?

Wellesley College - Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship - French[]

DEADLINE PAST: November 2, 2012. Candidates will be interviewed at the MLA conference in January 2013 in Boston.

Request for more materials:


  • by e-mail 12/5 (x3)

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • telephone pre-screening 12/4 (x3),
  • MLA interview scheduled (12/7) (x4)

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

  • requested 1/7 (x2)

Offer made:


  • I had an interview with them at MLA (01/04). Very nice people, thoughtful questions. A great experience (even though this position is kind of a long shot for me). 
  • Nice email letting me know I am not among the finalists, but asking if I would remain on their list as an alternate in case things don't work out with their first picks. (01/07)

Yale University - Assistant Professor in Francophone Literature & Culture (focus on Maghreb and Beur lit and questions of immigration)[]

PAST DEADLINE: Nov. 16, 2012

Request for more materials:


  • 12/13

Preliminary interview (skype, MLA, phone):

  • scheduled 12/6.

Rejection post-MLA:

Campus visit:

Offer made:


Word on the Street[]

Is anyone using this site this year? I believe that everyone was so mean last year that no one is using this. The full list of jobs is not even here. / Everyone can update the list :)

There's probably not a whole lot going on at this point, as most of the deadlines have just passed or are coming up. I, for one, have been checking this site regularly, without adding anything. (11/05)

The biggest problem is that whoever added all of the subheadings under each job has made it really difficult to see when an update has occurred. It's taking 2-3 times longer to scroll through looking for updates now since you have to stop on each job rather than just scrolling through and noticing that there's new information on a job.

A fast, easy way to see if there are updates is to use the history tab and to compare the last few revisions. - Great tip, thanks! (11/13)

  • Subscribing to the RSS feed (link immediately below) is another handy way to check page updates. I have also just added a "Recent Activity" feed at the top of the page for everyone's convenience. [11/14]
  • That RSS feed at the top is super helpful. Thank you.

It seems to me a lot of universities have not yet given any respons to the applicants. Is this the way it usually is? What is the latest date they would contact an applicant for an MLA interview?

I've seen requests for interviews go out during the week after Christmas, though that is rare. The bulk of the requests should be out by Fri the 21st - and you should see several start to go out this week.

Last year, I had an MLA interview scheduled on Dec. 28 for Jan. 3. Just sit tight. We are all biting our nails along with you :)

I was contacted last year on either the 26th or the 27th.  Pushing back the MLA to early January has extended the window of torture.  Try to keep yourself busy!  (I know:  easier said than done!)  ;)

Thank you, that is helpful! Good luck to everyone!

How is the market, this year, compared to 2011-2012?

I think the market looks better, in terms of the sheer number of jobs, but I could be wrong. (12/13)

The market is a LOT better for 19th century specialists this year - there were very few jobs for them last year. And of course 20th/21st francophone jobs constitute the majority of job postings. However anything 18th century or before is harder to find, and it's obvious from job postings that many departments don't really know what kind of early-modernist they are looking for. Jobs that two years ago were 16th century positions are now 17th, jobs that were 18th century positions are now 18th/19th... and as far as I can tell there isn't more than one bona fide Medieval position. 

I do think that it depends on your specialty. For me, this is the worst of the three years I've been on the market in terms of jobs that fit me - Francophone/20th century culture. Another thing is that the jobs whose descriptions align with my profile are also open to beginning associates. It's hard to compete with this having recently defended! So I'd say it's worse, at least for me.

I find that interpreting the job market is like reading tea leaves. This year does appear better for 19th-century specialists. However, if you look at the candidates who got jobs last year, their specialties do not always match the job listing. Departments' needs can change from the time they post a job to the moment they make a hiring decision.

I get the sense that the job market has slowly gotten better since the financial crisis. Last year was particularly good for Francophone positions, and it also seemed good for mid-career assistant professors. This year is better for 19th-century specialists. Hopefully, over the next few years, the large pool of qualified and talented applicants will find jobs, and each specialty will have good years. 

YES, this year is much better!

In general it might be better as per the MLA report, but for my particular profile it's by far the worst of the last 4 years :( Also, there is a trend of jobs explicitly stating open to beginning associates, which is hard to compete with for those who are finishing or a couple of years out and have been adjuncting. One of my committee members theorized that since when people retire the lines tend to disappear, why not hire someone with more experience and is more of a guarantee to succeed. My own PhD institution had two endowed chairs retire and will take 2 years before hiring just 1 person to replace them (and this isn't even certain...).

I have a question about lecturer positions. Do SLA specialists typically get those? I am asking because I'm a lit specialist, but have a lot of experience (and love) teaching language and composition at all levels, at my home uni and also a local SLAC. Unfortunately it seems like I don't make the cut for such jobs. 

Q: Did anybody hear anything from Georgetown, Ohio Wesleyan, Ashland, Northwestern, Rockford or U Iowa? - Rockford isn't due until tomorrow.

A: I haven't heard anything from Ohio Wesleyan (12/15); didn't apply to the others.

I applied to positions (13!)  that fit my area (20th/21st century (not Francophone)) and have yet to receive an interview. I am a semi-new PhD (2010), am currently an Adjunct  and have 4 publications (no book though) and am wondering if the book is the new benchmark, even for Asst. Profs. Anyone reading this post who has served on a search committee, would you be willing to offer any insight? Maybe it's just REALLY REALLY tough, but I'm wondering how do folks break in to the profession? Merci!

I don't have an answer but I can tell you I am in the same position as you: 20th/21st century, not Francophone. I have a feeling that our field has become one of the most competitive of all, since there are so few positions and we are so numerous! I am also under the impression that one now needs a book for an entry level position... The last thing is that it is hard to understand all of these search committees who seem to think that a specialist of Francophone studies can also teach contemporary France, but not vice-versa...   

Have been on several hiring committees in recent years: I dont think folks expect a book. What we tend to want is the promise that there will be a book a tenure-time. > Not to get too much in the weeds, but how can a cover letter, research statement and CV convince a committee that a book will happen other than demonstrating ability up till now to publish and a continued research agenda?

It's just a matter of luck. A semi-new Ph.D. with 4 articles while working as an adjunct seems pretty good to me. > /Thanks for the encouragement.

I also have served on many hiring committees.  I want to echo to reassurance to the semi-new PhD with 4 articles that for an Assistant Professor position most of us are not looking for a book.  We are looking for a record of publication and evidence you can manage to research while teaching, and yes clear evidence that you have a clear idea for a book project and a realistic idea of timelines and an understanding of the publication process.  I think you are in a tough field if you do 20th and 21st and you do neither Francophone nor Film Studies.  I do think it is true that many hiring committees feel that people not trained in Francophone can't really do Francophone and people not trained in Film Studies can't really do film, and I would add there are good reasons they believe that.

That's good and nice to have an opinon from the other side. Yet, most jobs require you to have lots of area of expertize if not all of them; sometimes candidates wonder whether institutions do have in mind a specific teaching and research profile when posting adds such as pre-nineteenth century/pre-revolutionary France/20th century. Even if you're interviewing for a specific "literary" job, the committee members tend to center most of their questions to areas that have nothing to do with your specialization (which is the very reason for which they called you for an interview, in the first place), ie how would you teach French elements? Maybe one should reflect in a deeper and profound way to what it really means in the US academia to teach literature in a target-language.

The reality is that very few French faculty in the US have the luxury of only teaching their research or even only literature without any language component or "service" classes. They do want to see teaching versatility, i.e. that you could teach surveys and other standard curriculum courses your predecessor previously covered, and maybe even revamp the syllabus for French 101 and coordinate/supervise TAs who are teaching that level (not all departments can hire separate SLA specialists just for that). You don't have to be an expert in all of that, just familiar enough that you could come up with a syllabus with a little bit of research. It's one thing when a search committee intentionally throws you off guard by asking something like, "how would you teach a course on 19th century romanticism" when you're a Rabelais scholar and there was nothing in the ad about 19th century anything, but asking about French elements seems fair. For one thing, it's something you've probably taught, so you can talk about your actual experience--a good thing!--and for another, it may be something they actually need. I think if you make it to the interview stage, they trust that you can teach your specialization; they want to see what else you can contribute.

Any thoughts on what to do after MLA if there's no sign of activity from a school you interviewed with? At this point, is it appropriate to contact the department and ask if they've gone ahead and scheduled visits? Or just continue with the waiting game? And how long? Nothing appears on the wiki, but it's possible those candidates contacted just don't use it.

  • A: It is fine and legitimate to contact the Departments to find out about the status of the search four weeks after an MLA interview. On the other hand, I recommend that you wait, as hard as it might be, unless you have an offer from another institution and you need to make a decision. If they want to see more of you, they know where to find you. 
  • OP, You're also waiting for MIT, right? Their term doesn't start again until Tuesday, but like you I'm beginning to think that it's unlikely we'll get contacted at this point. Only 2 people posted about MLA interviews here. There's always an outside chance that they're being really slow, but the likelihood is that they've gone ahead with other candidates, and really there's no point in contacting them unless you absolutely need to because of another offer. I'm going to wait. If there's still no word by the end of next week, I'll really cross them off as a possibility. At the most, I'll ask a friend who's there to do some reconnaissance to find out if job talks have been scheduled, just to have some finality earlier than they will probably provide it.
  • Yep, what both of you say seems to make sense. I did notice that their classes start late, but I figured administrators would be back before that (in case they were waiting for a dean's approval or something). Thanks for your replies, and if your friend has any info in a week or two, please do share!

Someone's, like, super angry:,126425.0.html

Questions/Updates about VAPs[]

  • Anyone applying to the VAP at the College of William and Mary? Anyone heard anything? (3/25)
  • I applied for this one, Washington College, and F&M and have heard nothing from anyone. The Wiki seems to be dead this year. Wish I could just know that I'm out of the running and move on (to what?)! (03/28)
  • William and Mary skype interviews going on this week (week of March 25th). Washington College, too.
  • Contacted for skype interview for Syracuse U VAP (03/28).
  • If I may ask, how were folks contacted for William and Mary? (3/28)
  • Oberlin? (3/29)
  • Any news from Syracuse University? (posted 04/17) - yes, see above, skype interviews took place.
  • has an offer been made for syracuse university VAP? It seems they reposted it on hercjobs. (04/18)
  • No news for Syracuse and in my experience, things always take longer than the committee thinks they will. And hercjobs is completely unreliable.
  • Posted 04/19 (edited for clarity): Thanks for for the update. (Syracuse VAP). My interview with tem was very pleasant and I found the faculty very knowlegeable, but I don't think they know exactly what they want (my opinion).
  • Syracuse U: Offer made and accepted / Kind, personalized rejection email (05/26).
  • C of Charleston: Skype interviews conducted (posted 05/07).

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Another Source for promising Tenure-Track jobs []

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NEWS: MLA and Interfolio Team Up[]

MLA had its brightest idea ever, and announced it would be collaborating with Interfolio to streamline the application process. All the candidates did a happy dance and are eagerly awaiting the posting of actual jobs announcements.

Academic Room[]

To market yourself and promote your CV to academics in the field, you can create a profile in French Language and Literary Studies or European Studies on Academic Room.

Johns Hopkins University (Open Rank, 20th & 21st Century French Literature Specialist) - 2011 Deadline - POSITION FILLED []


  • Weird. Listing's been posted on HERC in August 2012, but the submission date for materials hasn't been updated (still 10/15/2011) - same story on JHU HR website.
  • I asked a graduate student attending JHU to confirm that the position has been filled. According to her, the hire from last year has reported for duty. So, unless he is there in some strange visiting capacity, it sounds like this posting is an error. I would definitely send an email to the department before putting any time/hope into this one!